hurrah for radish

Well since our last post we have had our first taste of something other than rhubarb! We had some lettuce and radish for lunch there at the weekend with some left over potato salad and it was all rather good. At last something to show for our efforts.
We have put in another two lines of radish seeing as we seem capable of growing it without too much incident. There is something very satisfying about seeing the red tops just start to poke above the soil. We're picking them young but already they have a good heat and the colour is just amazing especially when shiny from washing under the garden tap.
The broad beans are full of flowers and almost from nowhere several sweet peas have appeared in among the fruit bushes. Our other success so far is the sprouts which were pushing at the tops of their polytunnels and now the wind has died down a little we replaced the tunnels with netting so that everyone can see how good they are and we can bask in the glory!
The ants are still around but not creating the havoc they were and we had great fun giving everything a good watering with our new hose although it did involve Large rampaging up and down the path whenever it unattached itself from the tap and sent water everywhere. We like the hose...
All is calm on the tomato front at the moment and our own few suvivors are actually recovering and looking quite strong.
So watch this space for some exciting radish recipes because thats probably be all we'll eat for the next few weeks - supplemented of course by rhubarb...radish and rhubarb crunmle anyone?

Hurrah for radishes, glad you have something new to supplement your diet of rhubarb,which incidentally makes excellent wine, maybe with radishes on sticks for a pre-dinner aperetif ? Happy growing !
That reminds me of the old joke; "Do you know what the French word for dentures is?....
......APERITIF!!!!!!" Haha! get it? aperitif.....a pair of.... ...oh never mind.....
Hiya! I was given a link for this website today, and it is very exciting. I've sent the link to P & J. There are things there that we could have so much fun with. Hope you've been enjoying the sun, see you Wednesday!
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