Thursday, May 24, 2007

Oi! Bring back our worms

Its been all work, no play and lots of bashed fingers at eleven pole in a frenzy of building and planting...

We built a greenhouse - thus the bruised and battered fingers and requirement of several cheeky brewskies. We just put all our gardeners delight and gigante tomatoes into it this morning so we hope they like their new home and should be hitting the roof in another couple of months.

We planted out seventy-five leeks. Enough said.

Our cabbage frame is full, the last gaps taken up with winter cabbages donated by the ever optomistic Freddie. We are giving him a cucumber plant next week in return, did consider offering a melon too but fear the words of doom that would follow.

The new dwarf beans are coming through and have escaped decimation so far.

This cheeky little opportunist watched us digging with great anticipation and then proceeded to massacre all our worms. Some may find the following images distressing!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

its like fried eggs and sausages.

We walked onto the plot today after a week away on holiday to find that our dwarf beans had been DECIMATED! This is the lone survivor in the row - is it charmed or did whaetver ate the rest just get too full to finish off the row?

We planted some more out under fleece and hope they fare a bit in resemble plants rather than sticks.

On the up side our flowers are looking rather fantastic.

The fruit bushes are looking good and all setting plenty of berries, the gooseberry and redcurrant we planted last year are producing their first fruit.

We were a bit indulgent this morning and made hot chocolate in the shed to drink with croissants and just to push the boat out a scotch egg for lunch. A meal in its self! Also finished the first crop of radish and rocket which made a very peppery salad.